Melanin is the pigment that determines hair and eye colour. It also plays a large role in skin colouration, as it gives skin its deepness or lightness. Hair melanin levels are determined by genetics, diet, environment and age.
There are many ways to increase melanin in the hair. One way is by using a henna treatment, which can be done at home or through a salon. Henna treatments last about two weeks and can provide natural red highlights. Another option is to use black shampoo, which will gradually darken the blonde hair over time.
There are also temporary options that work instantly but won’t last as long, such as using oil-based dyes, bleaching products or dying with brown dye for darker shades of browns and blacks.
I am here to answer all your questions on how you can increase your melanin levels naturally! This blog post will give you some easy tips that do work!
Table of Contents
What is melanin, and how does it play a role in hair?
Melanin is a pigment that occurs naturally in the skin, hair, and eyes. There are two types of melanin: eumelanin which is black or brown, and yellow pheomelanin. Both contribute to the colour of your hair.
Melanism refers to an excess amount of dark pigmentation due to the increased melanin production in certain areas such as your hair or skin. You may be wondering how does this happen? It’s very simple! The gene MC1R (melanosome complex one receptor) controls whether you produce more eumelanin or pheomelanin. If you have a mutation on that gene, it will produce more than normal amounts of either type.
The amount of melanin in your body determines how dark or light your skin will be, as well as what colours you can see. While it’s natural for both men and women to have melanin, it affects our appearance and our health!
How can I increase my melanin levels to aid in hair growth?
Many people are frustrated with their hair loss and have just given up hope, but there is a lot you can do to help your hair grow. One of the main causes of hair loss is inadequate melanin levels, which can be addressed by using vitamin B2 or biotin (a type of B vitamin) products.
Here are some of the ways to increase your melanin levels to aid in hair growth
- Increase your exposure to natural sunlight and artificial UVB light (with a doctor’s consent, of course)
- Take MSM supplement for hair growth, specifically for use as a nutritional supplement in the case of soft tissue inflammation.
- Use dark chocolate or cocoa powder as a hair mask – prepared by mixing one tablespoon of powdered dark chocolate with one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of vodka. Apply all around your outer scalp (keep away from eyebrows), cover it up with a plastic wrap, then wait 30 minutes before shampooing it out. Leave on for 1 hour is desired.
- Take Proteolytic enzymes or Papain supplements (either type will help increase melanin levels). Consult with your physician if you have any illnesses.
Foods that help with the production of melanin

More ways to increase your natural melanin level are by The foods known to help stimulate melanin production are those high in tyrosine and arginine. It includes:
- Tuna (high in arginine)
- Turkey (high in tyrosine)
- Peanuts (high in tyrosine)
- Walnuts (high in tyrosine and arginine)
- Cranberries
- Walnuts
- Pumpkin seeds/seeds from squash family plants (squash, zucchini, cucumbers)
- Kale/collard greens
- Watermelon
- Green tea
- Foods like blueberries or dark leafy greens
- Iron-rich foods can improve the processes for the production of melanin.
- In particular, try leafy greens like spinach and kale, both known to contain iron.
- Eating more free-range eggs, using foods that contain dithocyanates like black pepper and broccoli
Supplements that promote the production of melanin
Besides natural foods, here are some supplements which can help in promoting melanin production:
- Taking an over the counter supplement called Melanotan
- By taking supplements such as lion’s mane mushroom extract (which has been shown to have significant effects on humans). However, it’s worth mentioning again that the FDA doesn’t regulate these supplements!
Natural remedies for increased melatonin levels
- Here are some natural remedies that help in increasing melatonin levels in your body:
- Exercise for at least 20 minutes a day
- Get outside in the sun to get more vitamin D and exposure to natural light
- Try taking melatonin supplements, which can be find naturally in some foods such as bananas and walnuts
- Drink chamomile tea or take lavender oil capsules before bedtime
- Avoid caffeine after noon, drink decaf coffee, avoid alcohol consumption later than 2 pm, and don’t eat any heavy meals before bedtime
- Practice deep breathing exercises – inhale for 4 seconds and exhale for 8 seconds – before going to sleep
Ways to stimulate circulation near scalp
- Stimulating circulation near the scalp helps in the growth of hair and nourish them well. Here are some easy ways to stimulate circulation near the scalp:
- Keep your hair clean and free of product buildup
- Use a wide-tooth comb to stimulate circulation near the scalp
- Massage the area with essential oils, such as tea tree oil or lavender
- Place a warm towel over the head for 10 minutes each day
- Apply hot compresses to the affected area for 15-20 minutes at a time (several times per day)
- Try using a herbal shampoo that contains ingredients like peppermint, rosemary, sage, ginger root extract, etc., which can help stimulate blood circulation in scalp tissues and increase hair growth rates
What not to do when trying to grow your hair out
- It would be best if you avoid the following things when you are trying to grow your hair faster:
- Don’t use a brush to comb your hair – it will break the strands and cause damage
- Avoid using heat on your hair as much as possible, even if you’re trying to curl it or straighten it
- Try not to touch your scalp too often, especially when you have oily skin
- Keep up with regular trims, so that split ends don’t start appearing at the top of your head
- Use products designed for dry/damaged hair instead of normal shampoo & conditioner
- When washing your hair, try not to scrub too hard or apply pressure in one area for long periods
Keep in mind that there are many different approaches to increasing melanin production. The most important thing is finding what works for you and your lifestyle. Whether it comes from food, supplements or natural remedies, the key is taking small steps towards a healthier life with more natural alternatives to help you achieve an even skin tone without harsh chemicals.